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We are Dylan Hillman and Jake Self. This is a look into our amazing lives and how we live it. We are here to show you some useful ways to live, review things, but mostly just show you things we think are rad.


Han Shot First

Alright, so if anyone didn't know, the original Star Wars Trilogy is my favorite trilogy of all time next to Indiana Jones. But when they released the Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition in 1997, there was one change that makes me want to murder. Beside all the extra CGI characters that were added, there was one change in the Mos Eisley cantina that is just ridiculous. They made Max Greedo shoot at Han Solo first. WTFUCK! Lucas's rationale was that he wanted to make it clear to children that" Han Solo had no choice but to shoot Max Greedo". Fuck that, this completely makes Han's transition from anti-hero to hero less meaningful. So I just want everyone to know that HAN SHOT FUCKING FIRST. If anyone every tells me any different, I will be forced to use violence against them. This being said, watch the original cuts of Star Wars. It's all you'll ever need. Oh yeah, fuck Star Trek. That shit is for pussies.--Jake

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