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We are Dylan Hillman and Jake Self. This is a look into our amazing lives and how we live it. We are here to show you some useful ways to live, review things, but mostly just show you things we think are rad.



Girl Talk's new album- ALL DAY came out last month in November and my good friend James told me I should blog about the time I saw him in concert so here it goes. Back in October of 2008 me and my friend Kelly drove from Shreveport to Dallas to see Girl Talk. His album Feed The Animals had just come out that year and i was pretty excited. One of the great things about going to a Girl Talk show is that even though he plays big huge venues, fans are allowed to come onstage and dance and get crazy and watch him create and add effects to his already mashed-up songs. 
Me and my friend Kelly got to the show early just so we could make sure we could be in line to get onstage.  We actually were the second people in line and waited 2 hours just for our chance to jump onstage. The line to the stage grew as the first band- Heart of Darkness played (they sucked) and somehow it turned into two lines. During this time these drunk girls were beside us who had walked up from the back and tried to flirt with the security guard to get ahead in line . IT WORKED! These sluts were blabbing away and eventually cut tons of people. As it was time for Girl Talk to start and them to starting letting people onstage the line we were suppose to be in was blurred quite a bit and people were trying to squeeze and get ahead. I tried to maintain my spot to and stay inline but it didn't work. As I was squeezing to be in place with my friend the security guard pulled me from the crowd and told me I should just walk away cuz I was not getting on stage. Separated from my friend I was pretty bummed as I watched her get onstage. This almost ruined my night but fortunately it did not.
Instead I started to watch the show and I decided I was going to still have a good time. Then I did what I know how to do best. I STARTED  DANCING!!!!! I moved my feet and danced like never before. I got some cheers from people watching me as I weaved through the crowd.  I danced non-stop for two straight hours. I had the time of my life. Some random people I started dancing with even thought I was on drugs. That's how hard I go. 
30 minutes before the show ended I ran into Kelly which she decided to get off stage and she had said it was lame. So at the end of the night I was glad that I didn't get onstage because I had so much dancing down on the floor through a sea of people. I even got a high five at the end of the show from a stranger for my non-stop crazy dance moves. It was great show and I now really want to go see Girl Talk again so I can dance my heart out.   -Dyl.

1 comment:

  1. All those years in front of a mirror paid off. :) so, im bummed i never threw together a costume/dance party for my bday.... lets have one soon to make up for it. a xmas dance party??
