About Us.

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We are Dylan Hillman and Jake Self. This is a look into our amazing lives and how we live it. We are here to show you some useful ways to live, review things, but mostly just show you things we think are rad.


Non named sandwich.

Alright kids so here it is, another amazing food creation from the brilliant and wonderful minds of Dyl and Jake! First you take Cinnamon rolls and use them for the buns of the sandwich. We were going to use doughnuts but the cinnamon buns worked better because they didn't have any holes and could hold the sandwich better.

Next we smeared peanut butter onto one bun and then put nutella on the other. You might want to try and use unglazed doughnuts or scrape the glaze off of the cinnamon roll. In the end we found out that all of these sweets even though delicious were just a little too overwhelming.

After that we added the meat! (yes you read correctly I said MEAT!) We took two giant chicken strips and put them in between the two delicious buns of sugary sweetness. We also had some potato wedges because jake said we need a side to go with it.

 Then we feasted!!!!!!! This sandwich was waaaaay intense. It was definitely a taste bud overload. If you don't like sweets then this sandwich is not for you. If you are a vegetarian and don't like meat well, you probably won't like any of our food creations and well you are missing out. One other problem we had with the sandwich besides being a little too sweet was that we didn't have anything to make the chicken not taste so dry. Other than that this sandwich was a great meal even though it was on the messy side and had such a unusual combination of foods. But hey it's ok because like our good buddy Chad always says,"Good +Good =Good"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       -Dyl.

Ps. If you have any ideas on what this new creation should be named please comment and let us know!!!!
The final and glorious product.