About Us.

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We are Dylan Hillman and Jake Self. This is a look into our amazing lives and how we live it. We are here to show you some useful ways to live, review things, but mostly just show you things we think are rad.


52 Weeks Without List

I completed my list yesterday. I will try my hardest to go through with everything without cheating. I will not do these in the order I listed them, but i can't combine any. There will be some type of payment for each time I break one of these and at the end of the year, Rad Life will have a contest to see who wins the money. I will start out with #13 tomorrow. So wish me good luck and hopefully this will be another amazing year! --Jake

1. no car
2. no bike (will be done when the weather is nice)
3. no phone
4. no internet
5. no t.v.
6. no meat (fuck)
7. no pizza (double fuck)
8. no showering
9. no sleeping in my own bed
10. no sleeping inside
11. no working (way too excited for this one)
12. no Shreveport
13. no Front Magazine (sorry Rosie Jones)
14. no porn
15. no computer
16. no deodorant
17. no dessert/sweets
18. no reading (includes texts/computer screens/street signs/menus)
19. no video games
20. no underwear
21. no socks
22. no spending money
23. no music
24. no checking out ladies (impossible?)
25. no downloading anything
26. no Mexican food
27. no eating out
28. no masturbating
29. no cooking
30. no silverware
31. no grilling/eat grilled foods (will be done in the summer)
32. no shorts (will be done in summer)
33. no pants (will be done in winter)
34. no blogging (sorry Rad Life and Dark Worship)
35. no movies
36. no fast food
37. no refrigeration
38. sleep with no pillows/bedsheets
39. no solid food
40. no physical contact
41. no cheese
42. no free food (I eat free food at work/from dumpsters several times a week)
43. no plastic or paper money (coins only)
44. no cussing (shit)
45. no changing clothes
46. no hot water (will be done in winter and I will shower daily)
47. no transportation (I'll have to walk everywhere)
48. no igloos (don't even ask, just know I do it everyday)
49. no choice in foods (7 of my friends will each pick out what I eat everyday)
50. no PG-13/R movies (must watch at least 7 movies)
51. no cleaning ears
52. no talking unless spoken to

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