About Us.

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We are Dylan Hillman and Jake Self. This is a look into our amazing lives and how we live it. We are here to show you some useful ways to live, review things, but mostly just show you things we think are rad.




We are still doing our March contest!!! The winner will receive a mix tape made by the RadLife. Me and Dyl will each have our own side of what we've been listening to lately. (Expect nothing but power violence, grind, and black metal on my side)  So here's the question again, What's the manliest thing you've ever done? For me it was cutting down 7 trees with a chainsaw and one of the tree taking out a power line. --Jake


I'll give you a dollar.

If you can sit through this pile of shit without turning it off.--Jake

Ok....I won't give a dollar, just a high five.


52 Weeks Without Contest! March!!

Alright we had planned to post this contest weeks ago. Sorry to all of our readers for taking so long to have this month's contest. But without further ado here is our question for this month.

"What is the manliest thing you have ever done?"

Ever chop down a ton of trees? Grew an awesome beard? Built a house with your own bare hands?
Well then go ahead and tell us about it! Like always at the end of the month we will pick the winner.

Also here are all the rules again for anyone new.


SXSW in Shreveport

Dalzell had it's own version of SXSW last week. Here is a video of one of the bands
playin at the house. -Dyl


SXSW 2011 was a success

Yo! We got back from our trip last night at 9:30 and we were fucking exhausted. I've had a full days rest which was much needed. The trip was insane and SXSW was fucking amazing! Good job Austin, TX for hosting this rad event. We got into Austin Thursday night around 8ish and went to the first show. We saw Mammoth Grinder, Hatred Surge, The Roller, Sungod, Green & Wood, and another band, but I didn't catch the name. Then we got some much needed food at Taco Cabana (Shreveport fucking needs one asap) and crashed at our buddies Steve and Jamie's apartment.
Friday we got up and started the long day. We went to four different free showcases. First was the Power of the Riff and Southern Lord showcase where we saw Masakari, Trap Them, and All Pigs Must Die. Then we headed down the street to Lovejoy's bar where we saw Magrudergrind, Gaza, Wormrot, and fucking Ringworm! Then me and Dyl headed way to the road to the last show. It was at a bar called Club 1808. There we got to see Masakari for the second time, Christian Mistress, Magrudergrind again, and finally Lemuria. We left before Touche Amore and Ringworm played to meet back up with Phil, Chad and Cody to catch Iron Age playing at a tiny bar. We couldn't get in cuz it was too packed so we stood outside and listened. Finally we headed back after what seemed the longest day.
Saturday we got up kinda late and got to the Mess With Texas Party which was held at an old drive-in movie theatre. We missed a little of Lemuria's set which included my favorite song by them, but I'm just happy I got to see them twice in a 24 hour period! I also got to see OFF!, Surfer's Blood, The Dead Milkmen, Big Freeda and last but not least Odd Furtue Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA). OFWGKTA put one of the craziest live shows I've ever seen.
 If you ever get a chance to see them, don't be a fr00t and fucking see them!!!!! We headed back to the apartment and I witnessed some ridiculous shit that I'm not gonna get into. End of story. SXSW rules. Austin rules. I love you all. --Jake

Sadly we have no pictures from our trip. We never brought the camera out with us because we didn't want to have to carry it the whole day. But below is a pic from Spin.com of Lemuria playing which is about right where we were standing during their set at the MWTXparty.
You're welcome. -Dyl

What us RL boys missed while we were away.



The RadLife boys will be heading to Autsin tomorrow. We will be there for 4 days and are going to be attending some of the many free and unofficial SXSW shows. There's gonna be FREE SHOWS, AWESOME FOOD, FREE BEER, HANGING OUT, and NON-STOP ROWDYNESS! We are going with our buds Phil, Chad, and Cody. When our friends go to Austin things always get out of control and on top of that it will be sir Phillip Sledge's birthday while we are there and if any of you readers know who PHIL is then you already know he is going to be  acting a complete fool!!! If you thought he was mad man before you should see him on his birthday (His day of birth causes him to explode into maximum epicawesomenakedcraziness). I am stoked and a little worried at the same time. We will bring our camera with us to hopefully document some of the craziness. 
When we get back we will post about all of the fun we had.

Here is a flyer for one of the many shows we will be attending.


Straight to Beastmode.

Session 2.

I went and got a little more work done on my sleeve.  We colored the two roses and completely re-worked the old rose. Thanks again to Mr. John Bentrup at Fortune & Glory Tattoo Parlor for the amazing work! -Jake


52 Weeks Without Contest February Winner!!!

Alright, Now that it's March it is time to  announce our February contest winner. Thanks to all who entered for the wonderful and embarrassing stories.
But the winner for this month is (drumroll please) Andrew Toups!!!!
He made us laugh and his story was great!

If you want to take a look at all the answer's here is the link to the post.

Ps. Stay tuned for March's Contest.


Chicken Little

These guys played at Dalzell tonight. If you missed it, do yourself a favor and these guys out.
Sooooooooooo goooooooooood!!!!!!! -Dyl


Invisible Hands + Naked Gods
Dalzell House
March 21st. 
Be There!


Donald Glover/Childish Gambino

Ok. Donald Glover is an actor on COMMUNITY; one of the raddest shows  and I was searching for some of Donald Glover's stand up on youtube to post on the RL blog and
I found out that he is also a rapper. The band is called Childish Gambino. I knew he did stand up but I had no idea he could rap. Intrigued, I found myself looking up almost everything I could about him. He is going on tour soon and I think it would be awesome to see him live! Watch the videos I posted and check out his websites and get stoked! just as I have. ENJOY! -Dyl.

                   Another video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WucYeesGQs&feature=related